Chapter 3 presents a review of the state-of-the-art on methodologies for RIAs development. For this purpose, methodologies for traditional Web applications development are firstly presented, since, in some cases, methodologies for RIAs development are either extensions of existing Web (and hypermedia) methodologies or new UI design methods used on top of already existing Web methodologies. New approaches covering the RIAs features without relying on legacy Web models are also discussed. Some examples of Web development are UWE (UML-Based Web Engineering), which became UWE-R (UWE for RIAs), and WebML Extension, which is an extension of WebML (Web Modeling Language). These methodologies had to be modified in order to add new features to support the needs of RIAs development. Some other methodologies for RIAs development are RUX Method, OOH4RIA, OOHDM Extension, and PPRD.
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