1. Monash University, Australia
Art and design students' transitions in the university studio and their careers are now a significant issue in higher education. There is a more explicit articulation of the graduate capabilities that students now need to cultivate to become artist and designers. The author focuses on the transition into the university setting and the pedagogic relationship with the graduate capabilities of artists and designers and their portfolio careers as a way to contextualize art pedagogies and technology use in K-12 education. The author argues that supporting students' expectations and aspirations in their desires to become artists and designers is relational to graduate capabilities and the notion of a portfolio career. The author concludes by suggesting that the use of arts education and technology have a pivotal role in helping students develop transitioning skills, graduate capabilities and portfolio careers.
Reference37 articles.
1. Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2014) Australian weekly average earnings. Retrieved June 19, 2014, from
2. Australian Council of University Art and Design Schools (ACUADS). (2013). Australian Higher Education Base Funding Review Visual and Performing Arts Disciplines. Retrieved June 15, 2014, from
3. Constructing an artistic identity
4. Exploring the discourses around ‘creativity’ and ‘critical thinking’ in a South African creative arts curriculum