Underpinning EISB with Enterprise Interoperability Neighboring Scientific Domains


Agostinho Carlos1,Jardim-Goncalves Ricardo1,Steiger-Garcao Adolfo1


1. Centre of Technology and Systems (CTS) – UNINOVA, Portugal


Over the last decade, interoperability appeared as a key enabler towards unlocking the full potential of enterprises, products, processes, and systems. With methods to support their lifecycle, contributing towards removing communication barriers, and fostering a new-networked business culture in industrial domains, Enterprise Interoperability (EI) requires tangible scientific foundations. This chapter recognizes that, in terms of content, any scientific field exists in an ecosystem of neighboring domains and presents a methodology to identify EI's relationship with its neighbors, thus supporting the foundations of EI Science Base (EISB). It can be agreed that formalisms like logic and mathematics are an integrant part of every science, but others also share relationships such as application fields' boundaries, methodologies, techniques, or even tools. With the support of the European Commission, through the Future Internet and Enterprise Systems (FInES) cluster of research projects, the authors have initiated an analysis of comprehensive domains (e.g. complexity and software).


IGI Global

Reference118 articles.

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4. Value network analysis and value conversion of tangible and intangible assets








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