1. American University in Cairo, Egypt
Designing future computer networks dictates an eclectic vision capable of encompassing ideas and concepts developed in contemporary research unfettered by today’s operational and technological constraints. However, unguided by a clear articulation of core design principles, the process of network design may be at stake of falling into similar pitfalls and limitations attributed to current network realizations. This chapter presents CORM: a clean-slate Concern-Oriented Reference Model for architecting future computer networks. CORM stands as a guiding framework from which several network architectures can be derived. CORM represents a pioneering attempt within the network realm, and to the author’s knowledge, CORM is the first reference model that is bio-inspired, accounts for complex system characteristics, and applies a software engineering approach to network design. Moreover, CORM’s derivation process conforms to the Function-Behavior-Structure (FBS) engineering framework, which is credited to be applicable to any engineering discipline for reasoning about, and explaining the process of design.