Digital Heritage Systems


Sylaiou Stella1,White Martin2,Liarokapis Fotis3


1. Hellenic Open University, Greece

2. University of Sussex, UK

3. Coventry University, UK


This chapter describes the evaluation methods conducted for a digital heritage system, called ARCO (Augmented Representation of Cultural Objects), which examines the tools and methods used for its evaluation. The case study describes the knowledge acquired from several user requirement assessments, and further describes how to use this specific knowledge to provide a general framework for a holistic virtual museum evaluation. This approach will facilitate designers to determine the flaws of virtual museum environments, fill the gap between the technologies they use and those the users prefer and improve them in order to provide interactive and engaging virtual museums. The proposed model used not only quantitative, but also qualitative evaluation methods, and it is based on the extensive evaluations of the ARCO system by simple end-users, usability experts and domain experts. The main evaluation criteria were usability, presence, and learning.


IGI Global

Reference80 articles.

1. ARCO Evaluation Report. (2004). Assessment and evaluation report on the ARCO system and its components. Retrieved July, 1, 2007, from

2. Arnab, S., Protopsaltis, A., Minoi, J.L., Dunwell, I., & de Freitas, S. (2010). Promoting cross-cultural awareness through exposure in game-based Learning. IEEE Learning Technology Newsletter, January 2010 Edition.

3. Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change.

4. The MagicBook: a transitional AR interface







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