1. Berners-Lee, T (2009). To build the future of Internet. Brazil: Campus Party. Retrieved September 2, 2009, from http://www.campus-party.com.br/index.php/release-5.html
2. Brasil. Presidency of the Republic. Cabinet of the Institutional Security. Department of Information and Communications Security (2010d). Livro Verde Segurança Cibernética no Brasil (trad. Green Book Cybersecurity in Brazil) (organized by Raphael Mandarino Junior and Claudia Canongia). Gabinete de Segurança Institucional, Departamento de Segurança da Informação e Comunicações. Brasília: GSIPR/SE/DSIC, 2010. 44 p.
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4. Brazil. Presidency of the Republic. Cabinet of the Institutional Security. Department of Information and Communications Security (2009c). Complementary Standard NC03/IN01/DSIC/GSIPR. Directives for Drafting a Policy for Information and Communications Security in Bodies and Agencies of the Federal Public Administration. D.O.U. - Official Diary of the Union No. 125, Administrative rule No. 29, July, 03.