A Global Process for Model-Driven Approaches in User Interface Design


Caffiau Sybille1,Girard Patrick2


1. University Joseph Fourier – Grenoble, France

2. University of Poitiers, France


In user interface design, model-driven approaches usually involve generative solutions, producing interface by successive transformations of a set of initial models. These approaches have obvious limitations, especially for advanced user interfaces. Moreover, top-down design approaches (as generative approaches are) are not appropriate for interactive application development in which users need to be included in the whole design process. Based on strong associations between task models and dialogue models, the authors propose a global process, which facilitates the design of interactive applications conforming to their models, including a rule-checking step. This process permits either to start from a task model or a user-defined prototype. In any case, it allows an iterative development, including iterative user modifications, in line with user-centered design standards.


IGI Global

Reference21 articles.

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3. Bomsdorf, B., & Szwillus, G. (1998). From task to dialogue, task-based user interface design: A CHI 98 workshop. SIGCHI Bulletin, 30(4).

4. Caffiau, S. (2009). Approche dirigée par les modèles pour la conception et la validation des applications interactives: Une démarche basée sur la modélisation des tâches. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Retrieved from http://www.lisi.ensma.fr/ftp/pub/documents/thesis/2009-thesis-caffiau.pdf.

5. Hierarchical Structure: A Step for Jointly Designing Interactive Software Dialog and Task Model








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