Entertainment on French Television


Ghosn Catherine1


1. Université Paul Sabatier, France


Since its appearance in the grid of programming, televisual entertainment has changed on several points: the presentation, the production, the mixture between entertainment and information. In this chapter, the authors study entertainment on French television by raising four principal points. A first part points out the important dates that marked the history of televisual entertainment. The second one presents the new chains that exploited the crenel of the entertainment and then allowed the multiplication of these programs. The third part counts the results and the analyses carried out on the evolution of the televisual entertainment by researchers in social sciences. The last one analyses the particular mixture between entertainment and politic. In conclusion, the authors say that entertainment has considerably changed in form but also in background. The objectives and reasons that characterize it are not comparable to those of its beginning.


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Reference27 articles.

1. Aldridge, M., & Mazdon, L. (2008). La télévision britannique: un enjeu public. In Les lucarnes de l’Europe, Télévisions, cultures, identités, 1945-2005 (pp.115-124). Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne.

2. L’Union européenne de radiodiffusion (1950-1969);P.Alves;Les lucarnes de l’Europe, Télévisions, cultures, identités, 1945-2005,2008

3. Attitudes et attentes des téléspectateurs en matière de programmes télévisés comportant un contenu européen. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://ec.europa.eu/public_opinion/archives/quali/ql_eutv_fr.pdf

4. Beauvisage, T. (2000). Les genres télévisuels du divertissement. Retrieved from http://semioweb.msh-paris.fr/escom/ressources_enligne/Enseignement/99_00/crim/projets/genres_divertissement.pdf

5. Beylot, P., (2000), Quand la télévision parle d’elle-même. Paris-INA-L’Harmattan, coll. Mémoires de télévision.








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