Container-title:Advances in Systems Analysis, Software Engineering, and High Performance Computing
Cristea Valentin1, Dobre Ciprian1, Stratan Corina1, Pop Florin1
1. Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania
Communication in large scale distributed systems has a major impact on the overall performance and widely acceptance of such systems. In this chapter we analyze existing work in enabling high-performance communications in large scale distributed systems, presenting specific problems and existing solutions, as well as several future trends. Because applications running in Grids, P2Ps and other types of large scale distributed systems have specific communication requirements, we present different the problem of delivering efficient communication in case of P2P and Grid systems. We present existing work in enabling high-speed networks to support research worldwide, together with problems related to traffic engineering, QoS assurance, protocols designed to overcome current limitation with the TCP protocol in the context of high bandwidth traffic. We next analyze several group communication models, based on hybrid multicast delivery frameworks, path diversity, multicast trees, and distributed communication. Finally, we analyze data communication solutions specifically designed for P2P and Grid systems.
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