Recruitment Experiences in Area Studies Library Organizations


Paganelis George I.1


1. California State University - Sacramento, USA


This chapter discusses the urgent need to recruit individuals into academic librarianship for positions within or otherwise related to area studies. It first outlines the major problems that continue to inhibit recruitment efforts in area studies including negative perceptions of academic librarianship, a narrow interpretation of qualifications, deterrents of the library and information science curriculum for subject Ph.D.s, and the shrinking number of dedicated full-time positions. Educational incentives, experiential opportunities, and a stronger focus on professional recruitment and collaboration by area studies library organizations are each explored as potential solutions. The second half of the chapter presents the activities and accomplishments of WESS’s Recruitment to the Profession Committee as a model for other area studies library groups to use to stimulate professional recruitment in their respective specialties.


IGI Global

Reference38 articles.

1. ACRL Funding Opportunities for Recruitment Presentations. (n.d.). Retrieved March 21, 2009, from

2. Describing the Foreign Language Skills of Catalogers in Academic Libraries

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4. Bischof, L. D., & Vetruba, B. (2009, January). Foreign languages and academic librarianship: Preliminary survey results. Paper presented at the midwinter meeting of the American Library Association, Denver, CO.

5. Brecht, R. D., & Rivers, W. P. (2001). Language and national security: The federal role in building language capacity in the U.S. Prepared for the National Foreign Language Center at the University of Maryland. Retrieved May 23, 2009, from







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