Wireless Sensor Networks and Systems


Lloret Jaime1,Garcia Miguel1,Coll Hugo1,Edo Miguel1


1. Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain


Sensor networks are one of the most powerful technologies applied to control and supervising systems. They are present in almost all environments, so we can find them in different industrial, medical, security and/or home applications. In addition, the use of wireless technologies applied to sensor networks improves the final system. Examples given are the enlargement of the coverage area and the low deployment costs. Nowadays a combination of both items is used in many common implementations of a wide variety of applications. This chapter is focused on the use of sensor networks applied to disabled and elderly people. We will study the wireless technologies most used for this purpose and we will show a survey with the benefits when they are applied.


IGI Global

Reference29 articles.

1. A survey on sensor networks

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