On the Nature and Scales of Statistical Estimations Divergence and its Linkage with Statistical Learning


Simchera Vassiliy1,Koyuncugil Ali Serhan2


1. Research Institute of Statistics (Rosstat), Russia

2. Statistician, Capital Markets Board of Turkey, Turkey


Besides the well-known commonplace, and sometimes also simply fantastic reasons for the existing breaks in the estimations of one and the same phenomena, substitution of concepts, manipulations, intentional distortions, all possible manipulations and frank lie there are their own technological reasons in the statistics for the similar breaks, which are being generated by some sort of circumstances of insurmountable force, which one should differ from well-known posy reasons, and therefore to consider in a special order. Predetermined objectively by conditioned divergence of the theoretical and empirical distributions, gaps between a nature and phenomenon, shape and its content, word and deed, these reasons (different from subjective reasons), limited by the extreme possibilities of human existence, can be overcome through the expansion of humans knowledge’s, which assumes reconsideration of the very basis of the modern science. Below we present some of the approaches towards such a reconsideration, which opens possibilities for the reduction of the huge gaps in modern statistical estimations of the same phenomena and its linkage with statistical learning.


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