A-Memory Garden


Bergamo Marilia Lyra1ORCID


1. Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil


This paper presents the artwork “A-Memory Garden” and explores its potential according to the groundworks of the poetics of complexity. In poetics of complexity, there is an artist's desire to create perceptions about the relationship between individuals and the result of those interactions to arouse the sense of complexity. The paper presents an overview of the artwork developed, information about its adopted technology, and the artist's intentions. Also, it presents an end-user analysis of the artwork and a discussion of its complexity qualification. This analysis contributes to a perception of the artwork not only through the users' point of view but also for the potential of individual narratives that can emerge by the agency within a complex system. This combination between what is perceived by the user and the narratives of the computational agents in “A-Memory Garden” validates the artwork as a poetics of complexity.


IGI Global


General Medicine

Reference12 articles.

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