1. Georgetown University, USA
This chapter presents an exploratory research framework designed to support quality assessment of faculty in higher education. First, a neutral view of a university is developed which highlights five essential business capabilities, including teaching, research, advising, advocacy, and convening. Activity models are constructed for each capability – identifying inputs, activities, and outputs. Faculty preparation and contributions to inputs, activities, and outputs/outcomes are modeled and described. Deming's model of quality is applied to the five activity models. The quality model is applied to faculty (e.g., tenure and tenure-track, non-tenure track, adjunct, graduate students, clinical, and other specialized faculty). Finally, the research explores whether the current quality management processes are fair for faculty and effective for the university's stakeholders. The exploratory research offers six observations and recommendations. The most significant observation is that only one of the five business capabilities – research has a fair and effective quality process.