The author argues that post-COVID-19 change leadership is neither a matter of technically improving what change leaders are already doing or refining existing systems and regulation. Within the context of abrupt, sudden, and unexpected change, two questions are raised. First, if it is not a matter of technically improving what change leaders are already doing, or refining existing systems, what more do post-COVID-19 change leaders need to do? Second, what new qualities would change leaders need to embrace (theory) so that they can meaningfully fulfill their change leadership practices in a post-COVID-19 era? Approaching various paradigms of change leadership as stories, the author addresses (1) the seduction of pre-COVID-19 story of change leadership, (2) offers a post-COVID-19 elder change leadership model, (3) offers a post-COVID-19 elder change leadership framework centered around four dimensions: humility, generating meaning amid chaos, compassion and empathy, and affirming hope through story telling.
Reference64 articles.
1. Humility in Management
2. Arendt, H. (1983). Isak Dinesen. In Men in Dark Times (pp. 95-109). A Harvest Book.
3. Understanding and Politics;H.Arendt;Essays in Understanding,1994
4. Nicomachean Ethics;R.Aristotle;The basic works of Aristotle,1941