1. Universidad del Rosario, Colombia
It is generally considered that the costs related to musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) stem from absenteeism, medical expenses, reduced productivity, and quality of life. To estimate the costs associated with MSDs in organizations and thus determine the benefits for a company of implementing an effective and sustainable prevention program, it is necessary to consider the need to know the current and future prevalence of MSDs as well as to understand whether these data vary according to the economic sector, geographic location, and demographic aspects. It is also necessary to understand whether there are comorbidities associated with MSDs as well as the direct and indirect impacts in terms of the productive and work capacity of organizations and individuals. In the development of this study, the authors wanted to generate an analysis tool to estimate the incidence of MSDs and their economic costs, which also serves as a baseline to evaluate the possible benefits derived from prevention programs for this type of work-related disease.