Training Company Self-Organization


Abramek Edyta1


1. University of Economics in Katowice, Poland


Autopoiesis is identified in the chapter with the concept of self-organization, understood as an attribute of autopoiesis. The purpose of the chapter is to present the idea of self-organization in business on the example of a training company. The case study method was used to present ways of restructuring a company under the influence of the pandemic crisis in 2020. The case study has a theoretical character and is a contribution to knowledge in the form of a description of the phenomenon studied. The choice of the company was determined by its good financial situation despite the economic slowdown in the country, innovative business culture, and the culture of risks management. The conclusions of the study allowed to explain phenomena that may be valuable to another organization, as an example of recommendations or comparative actions leading to a state of self-sufficiency.


IGI Global

Reference17 articles.

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