Evaluation in Higher Education


Nadejda Butnari1,Nina Birnaz1


1. State University of Moldova, Moldova


Technologies of the 21st century have brought about a new crisis of significance, which is determined by materialism, expedient attitude, narrowness generated by the self-centeredness, lack of sense, and poverty of commitments. This state of affairs is also characteristic for the contemporary Higher Education, which is going through a decisive stage when it must rethink the communication schemes methodologies as well as the spiritual interaction of intelligence. Didactic processes are re-directed towards more interactive communication, learning spaces, and metacognitive strategies. University teachers, as the servant leaders of the successful education, have a special responsibility to develop competence for learning to learn and for social integration through a profession. Thus, the academics have a specific mission to demonstrate not only the deep knowledge, but also the spiritual intelligence. This chapter provides a novel model of spiritual intelligence raining of the Academic Staff. Conclusions and future research directions are provided.


IGI Global

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