1. Vellore Institute of Technology, India
The city of the future is smart. It is entirely interconnected and will regulate traffic, save energy, fight crime, and it will be assisted by big data and the internet of things (IoT). Cities compose of many systems providing services for us. Systems such as transport, energy, health, and others depend on each other. The connections between these systems seem to have been broken and need to be reconnected to provide efficient services for the citizens. To create a smart city, there is the need to combine internet communication network (5G), application software, database and blockchain application, AI, cloud computing, GPS, maps. For the smart city concept to be instrumental and beneficial to the citizens, there should be a centralized large-scale database center that will tie all these pieces of data generated in the various smart sectors together for it to function as an intelligently coordinated, geographically distributed system. On this score, the authors propose nine main dimensions to the smart city concept.