1. Manipal Academy of Higher Education, UAE
2. Jaipur National University, India
Human wellness and health are predominately governed by the consumption of nutritive foods. Modern approaches such as healthy diet, modified lifestyle, and switching to natural products (nutraceuticals) instead of pharmaceuticals are recommended to counteract the metabolic abnormalities. Globally, usage of nutraceuticals has increased in recent years. Nutraceuticals provide better therapeutic opportunity with lesser-known side effects. Nutraceuticals are the products obtained from foods (dietary supplements, isolated nutrients, and herbal products) that aid physiological effect in the body by promoting health benefits beyond basic nutrition. Many researchers claimed nutraceuticals are effective in improving health and wellness by curing metabolic disorder and thus increasing life expectancy. Clinically, nutraceuticals target the pathogenesis of metabolic disorders and their complications and positively harmonize different clinical and biochemical outcomes. This review highlights the beneficial effects of the popular nutraceuticals in managing metabolic disorders.
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