1. Archibald, D. R. (2003). Life cycle models for high technology projects-applying systems thinking to project. Retrieved from: http://russarchibald.com/recent-papers-presentations/other-pm-subjects/models-hitech-syst-slides/
2. Archibald, D. R. (2004). State of the art of project management. In Proceedings of the International Seminar on Project Management. Retrieved from: http://russarchibald.com/recent-papers-presentations/state-of-the-art/
3. Archibald, D. R., & Voropaev, I. V. (2003). Commonalities and differences in project management around the world: A survey of project categories and life cycle models. Retrieved from: http://russarchibald.com/Commonalities_and_Differences_paper_May_3_03.pdf