Episcleritis and scleritis are the most common diseases among disorders of sclera. Episcleritis is a relatively common condition in the Middle Eastern population. The true incidence is difficult to determine, as episcleritis are self-limited conditions and patients generally do not seek professional advice. Scleritis is characterized by a chronic inflammatory response located in the sclera, which can spillover and involve adjacent ocular structures, mainly the cornea and the uvea. Scleritis can be seen at any age, but most commonly occurs in the fourth to sixth decades. It has a small female preponderance (1.6:1), and the condition is bilateral in 52% of cases. This chapter includes a severe infectious scleritis case with before and after treatment photos. The disease responded to antibiotic treatment, but later the patient presented with immune disease recurrence which responded to oral immunosuppressive treatment. Treatment photos are shown chronologically.