1. Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Turkey
Although peace is one of the foundations of prosperity, even in the 21st century, people in some countries still have to live in conflict. Is it possible to live individually in peace in such a world? This chapter focuses on drawing attention to the vital importance of living peacefully in the world and to discuss on the desire for peace. Firstly, the meaning of peace is reviewed in this chapter. Then, the difference between positive and negative peace is expressed, and the importance of having positive peace is emphasized. Secondly, the need of a peaceful life is discussed. Afterwards, the difference between “peace education” and “education for peace” is examined and integration of these two types of education is suggested. In the context of building a culture of peace, potential contributions of peace museums for world peace are mentioned, and peace-related metaphors of pre-service teachers are also specified. Finally, the author asserts that there is still hope for a peaceful world although there are no indications yet.
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