1. Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, India
In this work, an image retrieval system based on three main factors is constructed. The proposed system at first chooses relevant pictures from an enormous information base utilizing colour moment data. Accordingly, canny edge recognition and local binary pattern and strategies are utilized to remove the texture plus edge separately, as of the uncertainty and resultant pictures of the underlying phase of the system. Afterward, the chi-square distance between the red-green and the blue colour channels of the query and the main image are calculated. Then these two (the LBP pattern and the edge feature extracted from the canny edge detection and by chi-square method) data about these two highlights compared to the uncertainty and chosen pictures are determined and consolidated, are then arranged and the nearest ‘n' images are presented. Two datasets, Wang and the Corel databases, are used in this work. The results shown herein are obtained using the Wang dataset. The Wang dataset contains 1,000 images and Corel contains 10,000 images.