Gender, Leadership, and ICT


Bala Shashi1,Khan Nimra2


1. V. V. Giri National Labour Institute, India

2. Indian Institute of Management, Amritsar, India


Mainstreaming women has been an agenda of the policymakers for long. The Beijing platform for action initiated this in 1995. Still, across the world, women have been denied expressing their potential in various forums. Though the glass ceiling has been crossed in many developing countries, we don't know at what social cost that glass ceiling has been crossed. Technology has played a vital role in effective communication to reach out to target groups, but it has also created a digital divide among the users for men and women. In this chapter, the authors analyze the significance of positive leadership in motivating inclusive growth and sustainable development. They present various case studies on leadership styles being adopted in various organizations that motivated women to be a part of the active labour market without facing any discrimination on the grounds of sex. They explore flexible working hours and the provision of institutes and infrastructure for a conducive working environment in this chapter.


IGI Global

Reference52 articles.

1. The Future of Women and Work: Ending the Twentieth Century

2. Infrastructure, women’s time allocation, and economic development

3. Women Managers & Professionals: Work-Family Conflict & Job Satisfaction.;R.Baral;Indian Journal of Industrial Relations,2016

4. Women Power: Aspects of Work Life

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