Learning From the Self-Organizing Universe


Partanen Jenni1


1. Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia


Ubiquitous digitalization in our technology-mediated cities has recently pushed the computation from virtual worlds into the cybernetic sensor-guided cites. AI-driven architecture and planning assumedly make cities efficient, sustainable, and “smart” in a linear, mechanical manner. However, cities are complex adaptive, self-organizing systems evolving through transitions. They are hard to control using any planning tool founded on a rational comprehensive model. Computational, generative methods are established tools in the urban design and planning providing novel perspective for smart city planning. Moreover, the paradigm of complex systems and (universal) self-organization enable crossing of ideas in biological systems, cities, and digital systems. This generates intellectual progress in both philosophical and methods development for e-planning tools. Here, the author introduces an e-planning method applying self-organization of information, capable of reflecting the complex urban dynamics. She concludes by illustrating possible futures in self-organizing technology and planners' roles in it.


IGI Global

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