1. University of Minho, Portugal
2. Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences (CICS.NOVA.UMinho), University of Minho, Portugal
The main aim of this chapter is to examine the role played by leaders as determinant agents of a special type of banking institution such as the mutual agricultural credit banks (or Caixas de Crédito Agrícola Mútuo [CCAM]). In other words, it looks to study and understand to what extent employees with leadership roles use their position to maximize CCAM performance through their direct intervention on the teams. Considering that both leaders and subordinates have their own aims (organizational/professional and personal, respectively), and in order to find the necessary equilibrium between them, it also seems to be relevant to better understand the way leaders can mobilize and support organizational subordinates. In sum, issues like leadership, motivation, satisfaction, and personal development are studied in this chapter.