1. University of Sheffield, UK
Perception is the basis of being human. It warrants everything we know and everything there is to be known. This chapter explores the perceptual system that leads to the exploration and interpretation of qualities of urban space. The chapter challenges the disciplinary tradition of regarding perception and cognition as being one and establishes that systems of perception and cognition play an equally important role to enable this construct of ‘place'. By means of an inter-disciplinary review and knowledge transfer, the chapter reimagines the dimension of perceptual simulation in urban design by constructing a process map to understand the complexity of the workflow from subjective perception to social cognition. The chapter further advocates the need for design to incorporate cognitive affordances to better shape physical reality. The process map and framework is intended as a reference for understanding sensory stimuli in urban design practice to aid efficacy and to reinstate the importance in recreating and bridging the physical and perceived realities.