1. Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
2. Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, Portugal
3. University of Algarve, Portugal
Organizations need to provide more efficient services with increasingly optimized costs. Organizations may have an area of management control with transversal responsibilities in information and communication technology (ICT) support function, operating information technology front office, monitoring information technology (IT) service catalog and performance, reporting the service level agreements with stakeholders, controlling software and equipment installed or under maintenance, department budget control, management of suppliers' contracts, and financial analysis. The chapter presents a systematic literature review related to relationship management, optimization, and alignment of business processes between ICT areas and other organizational business units in a multidisciplinary way. The proposed framework pretends to contribute to creating strategies and indicators that allow optimized risk management, resources management, cost control, and streamlining of the defined processes in a continual improvement cycle.