1. University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia
This chapter analyzes and measures customer satisfaction in using e-supply chain products using the honeycomb user experience approach. The e-supply chain product tested is a website that provides distribution services for government-owned (public logistic) and private (private logistic) in Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to analyze the value of e-supply chain products and evaluate whether this value has been received by service users through the concept of user experience honeycombs. There are seven aspects assessed, namely useful, usable, desirable, findable, credible, accessible, and valuable. This study shows that the value for the public sector as a whole gets better scores than the private sector. The aspects that need to be improved in the public sector are credible and usable. In contrast, in the private sector, the aspects that need improvement are accessible, desirable, findable, useful, and valuable.