This chapter provides an overall evaluation of the created practices. The author reflects on the conclusions that are based on research in general and applying the various methods in actual case organizations. The original hypothesis and research questions are answered and commented upon. All of this information is assembled in a set of best practices, meaning in what order to apply the practices and what to achieve. Finally, the author provides tips for further research and topics that might be useful to add in a next iteration.
Reference9 articles.
1. Accenture. (2018). GaaP 2018 Readiness Index. https://www.accenture.com/_acnmedia/pdf-83/accenture-gaap-2018-readiness-index.pdf
2. Enterprise Governance of Information Technology
3. EU - DG Joint Research Centre. (2018). Digital Platform for public services. https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/collection/elise-european-location-interoperability-solutions-e-government/document/report-digital-platform-public-services
4. Summary for Policymakers