Evaluation of Studies on Technology in Religious Education Published in Turkey


Bayraktar Muhammet Mustafa1


1. Ahi Evran University, Turkey


The aim of this study was to examine the studies conducted in Turkey on the use of technology in religious education. The Turkish National Academic Network and Information Center and the Journal of Theology Religious Foundation of Turkey's Islamic Research Center databases and the literature on religious education were screened (in February 2019) using the keywords “technology in religious education,” “technology in formal religious education,” “technology in non-formal religious education,” and “technology in the religious culture and moral knowledge course.” Relevant articles were first classified into two as “formal religious education” and “non-formal religious education.” However, investigating the articles in both classes would be beyond the scope of one study; therefore, this study focused only on the 17 studies (published between 2000 and 2018) in the “formal religious education” class. The aim of this study was to determine the direction, trends, and problems of religious education studies in Turkey in terms of technology.


IGI Global

Reference50 articles.

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