Organizational Sustainability and Value Creation by Means of Innovation in Chaotic Environments


Pérez-Uribe Rafael Ignacio1ORCID,Ramirez-Salazar Maria Del Pilar2ORCID,Ocampo-Guzmán David2,Saiz-Alvarez Jose Manuel3ORCID


1. Santo Tomas University, Colombia & La Salle University, Colombia

2. EAN University, Colombia

3. Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil, Ecuador & Mexican Academy of Sciences, Mexico


Between 2017 and 2020, the RISE model (Route for Innovative and Sustainable Enterprises) has been applied in 86 Colombian organizations of different sizes and belonging to different economic sectors. That model allows any organization's upper management to make a thorough assessment of the company by means of analyzing nine (9) organizational factors with reference to four (4) specific dimensions (social, environmental, managerial, and economic). These nine (9) organizational factors are deployed in 48 variables for analyses, and one of these variables is value creation through innovation. From the assessments and analyses derived from the RISE model, several research-worthy questions arise, such as, Which variables explain better the phenom of value creation through innovation? Which variables must the upper echelons concentrate their efforts on to generate value and grant sustainability? This work aims to present the results of the application of the RISE model and to answer the mentioned questions, especially during these uncertain, chaotic, and turbulent times.


IGI Global

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1. Innovation Model for Organizational Sustainability (IMOS);Practice, Progress, and Proficiency in Sustainability;2023-06-30

2. EBITDA as a Key Indicator of Sustainability in Colombian Companies;Practice, Progress, and Proficiency in Sustainability;2022







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