1. Ariel University, Israel
2. Kansas State University, USA
3. Assuta Ramat Hahaial Medical Center, Israel
Patient-centered empowerment is enhanced through evidence-based engagement in stressful medical situations. The current study provided expert-vetted educational materials in dynamic text and video formats using the 5S approach. The materials are relevant, reliable, and readable for patients with abnormal Pap test results. Findings indicated patients that understood the information better were more engaged. Engagement was measured using a coding system that kept track of explicitly shared information, requested recommendations, and tacit knowledge during patient-physician interaction. Other outcomes were that dynamic text had a greater impact on engagement in both initial and follow-up meetings. Important findings included that those who found the dynamic text relevant had their social well-being, self-esteem, optimism, and acceptance improved in initial meetings. Those who found the dynamic text reliable were more confident in the relationship with their physician in follow-up meetings and felt their social well-being was improved in both initial and follow-up meetings.