Informatics Truth


Şen Onur1ORCID


1. Ondokuz Mayıs University, Turkey


Today's technological developments have enabled the digitalization of communication and transform it into different forms. With the said digitalization, individuals have had the opportunity to communicate very quickly, exchange information, produce content, and access information about their environment much more. Besides many opportunities brought by digital transformation are reflected to individuals, it reflected to the field of news media, which provides information flow to individuals. The reflection of digitalization in the news media emerged as a result of especially distributing and producing information very quickly and reaching large masses. The acceleration of the flow of information has made it necessary to focus on the concept of truth. So that, as a result of the intense information flow in the 2016 US Presidential Elections and the Brexit referendum in England, the production and distribution of news in the post-truth era has become questionable. From this point of view, the truth of the information produced in the news media will be examined in this study.


IGI Global

Reference34 articles.

1. AA. (2022). Russia-Ukraine crisis in 5 questions [5 soruda Rusya-Ukrayna krizi]. Retrieved from

2. Alexa. (2022). Top Sites in Turkey. Retrieved from

3. Balcı, Ş., Bekiroğlu, O., & Karaman, S. Y. (2019). Self-Esteem as a Determinant of Social Media Addiction: A Study in the Case of Konya [Sosyal Medya Bağımlılığının Bir Belirleyicisi Olarak Öz Saygı: Konya Örneğinde Bir Araştırma]. İletişim Kuram ve Araştırma Dergisi, (48), 36-64.

4. Information Literacy and Science Misinformation

5. BBC. (2022). Ukraine-Russia crisis: What is the latest situation at the border, how did the tension escalate? [Ukrayna-Rusya krizi: Sınırda son durum ne, gerilim nasıl tırmandı?]. Retrieved from







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