1. University of Aveiro, Portugal
Restructuring and globalization are very important for every technology sector. It provides key competitive advantages to the companies over their rivals. Telecommunications sector is an important strategic segment of the modern economy. Telecommunications is also an advanced technology sector and its restructuring is essential to optimize its revenues. Now it has been evolved to information and communication technologies (ICT), which is the main driving force of growth worldwide. In fact, ICT has paved the way for modern globalization. Overall, ICT and ICT-enabled sectors are among the main contributors of global economy. This sector has passed through several restructuring and evolves continuously. Its globalization is obvious as it is the main technology which promotes globalization. In this chapter, the authors provide the restructuring of telecommunications sectors since the time of its inception in the early 19th century. They also analyzed the strategic changes that promote the restructuring and globalization of this sector.