Renewable Energy Sources Management and Role of Ecological Parks


Ilic Biljana Stojan1ORCID


1. Megatrend university of Belgrade, Serbia


On the global level, governments are leading the national policy for development of modern technology and alternative energy resources. The tendencies of sustainable development are reflected in the realization of using renewable energy resources that contribute to a more diversified and more efficient use of clean energy. The aim of this chapter is to represent adequate responses to the efficient management at the state level that created all necessary conditions for sustainable development and energy efficiency using renewable energy resources in countries of European Union. Legal regulations, energy policy, short, medium and long-term strategy with a stimulating policy, can contribute for achieving adequate results in terms of sustainable development. The aims of this policy would be reflected in the development of eco-industrial parks and clean energy that contribute development of new companies, employment, on the state budget and local government levels.


IGI Global

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