1. SRM Institute of Science and Technology, India
Printed antennas are designed for various applications in recent years. The latest development of antennas are wearable antennas; these wearable antennas are playing a major role in the energy harvesting mechanisms, patient monitoring systems, and military applications. In this chapter a reconfigurable wearable antenna is proposed. Reconfigurable wearable antennas are able to operate in both modes on body and off body. These antennas are reconfigured from one frequency to another frequency depending upon the requirement. Three types of reconfigurable antenna modes are designed and analyzed in the chapter. Frequency reconfiguration with off body mode and on body mode, frequency reconfiguration between inside receiver and outside interrogator, and frequency reconfiguration with different substrate conditions. The choice of frequency bands are WBAN and other wireless application bands. Different switches are used to control the frequencies.