A Model for Assessing the Widening of the Predictive Maintenance Strategy


Carnero María Carmen1,Cárcel-Carrasco Francisco Javier2


1. University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain & University of Lisbon, Portugal

2. Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain


The essential aim of Industry 4.0 is to enable industries to be more productive, efficient, and flexible. A predictive maintenance strategy can make a positive contribution to all these things, as it uses industrial IoT technologies to monitor asset health, optimise maintenance schedules, provide real-time alerts about operational risks, and maximise uptime, and can provide digital services to customers based on data from its machines. It improves productivity, improves customer satisfaction, and therefore gives the company a competitive advantage. Nevertheless, decision making in relation to a predictive maintenance strategy is not systematised, and this may lead to some inappropriate decisions, which do not achieve the goal sought. This chapter describes a multicriteria model, designed with the analytic hierarchy process, to systematise decision making with respect to a predictive maintenance strategy.


IGI Global

Reference30 articles.

1. A multi-criteria model for auditing a Predictive Maintenance Programme

2. Platform degrader analysis for the design and development of Vehicle Health Management Systems

3. Maintenance scheduling optimization for industrial centrifugal pumps

4. Smart Condition Monitoring for Industry 4.0 Manufacturing Processes: An Ontology-Based Approach

5. Carnero, C., & Conde, J. (2000a). Conflictos y utilidades en la relación Gran Empresa-Universidad en proyectos de implantación de programas de mantenimiento predictivo. Proceedings del 1er Workshop of Industrial Organization.








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