Terror and Media


Gelici Musa1


1. Presidency of Religious Affairs, Turkey


Norway lived its bloodiest terrorist attack when Breivik killed nearly 100 people. This was recorded in history as a difficult test for the media. The Norwegian media exhibited great bias by reporting this bloody act by making judgments on the assumption that Muslims committed it. The media described Breivik as a mentally disturbed person, not as a terrorist. When the answer to the question, Why did Breivik commit this act? was sought, the detailed analysis ended up with the propaganda of Breivik's manifesto. Breivik became a symbol of anti-Islam and multiculturalism in Europe. Finally, the New Zealand aggressor Tarrant and Norway Baerum Al-Noor Mosque aggressor Manhaus performed two attacks in 2019. They were fueled by the uncontrolled cybersphere where Breivik was idolized. The study aims to examine how the media made news about the terrorist figure devoted to the Breivik brotherhood and those who followed in his footsteps. It aims to make a news analysis of the Norwegian mainstream printed media about the Norwegian Al-Noor Mosque attacks in 2019.


IGI Global

Reference66 articles.

1. Aftenposten. (.2019a, Aug. 11). En person skutt i moské i Bærum – gjerningsperson pågrepet. https://www.aftenposten.no/norge/i/6jyLMo/en-person-skutt-i-moske-i-baerum-gjerningsperson-paagrepet

2. Aftenposten. (2019b, Aug. 13). Derfor trekker Støre parallell mellom moskéangrepet og 22. https://www.aftenposten.no/norge/i/Qo3Ryx/derfor-trekker-stoere-parallell-mellom-moskeangrepet-og-22-juli

3. Aftenposten. (2019c, Aug. 19). Politiet til Aftenposten: - Philip Manshaus ønsket å skremme muslimer i Norge.https://www.aftenposten.no/norge/i/kJy0o9/politiet-til-aftenposten-philip-manshaus-oensket-aa-skremme-muslimer-i-norge

4. Aftenposten. (2019d, Aug. 16). «Gud, jeg håper han får et solid drapstall». Slik reagerte nettforumet under angrepet på moskéen. “Tanrım, umarım sağlam bir cinayet oranı alır.”https://www.aftenposten.no/norge/i/rAe0WR/gud-jeg-haaper-han-faar-et-solid-drapstall-slik-reagerte-nettforumet

5. Aftenposten. (2019e, Aug. 13). Vi ønsker å invitere alle inn, slik at folk som lurer på noe, kan snakke med oss direkte. https://www.aftenposten.no/norge/i/dObOx1/vi-oensker-aa-invitere-alle-inn-slik-at-folk-som-lurer-paa-noe-kan-sna








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