A Foucauldian Perspective on Using the Transparency Framework in Learning and Teaching (TILT)


Akella Devi1


1. Albany State University, USA


Transparency in Learning and Teaching (TILT) demands educators inform their students what, where, and why they are expected to learn certain subjective content and how they will be assessed. This allows students to understand the relevance and usefulness of the subjective content covered in their classrooms and what they should do to perform better academically. Yet providing such detailed specifications can restrict students' abilities to be original, critical, and imaginative. Students are no longer able to think out of the box and go beyond current knowledge domains to create new information to transform societies. This chapter integrates the ideologies of Foucault's disciplinary power to deconstruct the totalitarian learning aspect hidden within the three-dimension transparency framework of TILT and how it may hinder the growth and development of students within higher education institutions.


IGI Global

Reference50 articles.

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5. Bose, D., Salrymple, S. & Shadle, S. (2020). A renewed case for student success: Using transparency in assignment design when teaching remotely. Santa Clara University.








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