Alpaca Meat


Caceres Yezelia Danira1ORCID,Gonzalez Sara2,Medina Juan Rivera1ORCID


1. Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa, Peru

2. ISCSP-Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal


The chapter analyses alpaca (Vicugna pacos) meat production and consumption in Peru. The analysis highlights what affects alpaca meat consumption, drawing from exploratory studies in the Andean high zone of Arequipa, Puno, and Cusco. The reasons that are behind alpaca meat consumption decisions are anthropological aspects related to historical and cultural processes, as well as the commercial channels and the presentation of the product. In this sense, the authors link the theoretical approach on consumption, emphasizing the influence of the consumer in the market and vice versa. Nevertheless, it is interesting to note that even in the current conditions of the market there is a growth in the demand for alpaca meat resulting from the increase in tourism flows, not only of foreigners but also Peruvians.


IGI Global

Reference48 articles.

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2. Calidad de la carne y carcasa de la llama (Lama glama) y la alpaca (Lama pacos) peruanas;M.Antonini;Camelidos sudamericanos domésticos. Investigaciones recientes,2006

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4. Caceres Cabana, Y. (2002). Análisis del sistema de valor de carne del sub sector de carne de alpaca y llama (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Lima, Perú.

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1. Peruvian Consumer Responses to the Use of Technologies in the Context of COVID-19;Advances in Business Information Systems and Analytics;2021







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