1. Trident University International, USA
This chapter outlines the integrated approach to support children and young adults diagnosed with learning disabilities and autism spectrum disorders (ASD). In this context, the authors, first, discuss the legislative background providing legal basis for the disability support in educational environments. They, further, address psychological and neurological aspects of learning disabilities and ASD diagnostics and consider how legislative and neurological issues influence special education methods, counseling, and instructional technology support. The educational tools addressed include mobile devices and applications, virtual reality, and robotics. The chapter concludes with a report on the development of college-level course in instructional technology, intended for technology facilitators and teachers working with the ASD students. The case study focuses primarily on the use of the affordable and popular LEGO robots. The holistic approach to support of those with disabilities, outlined in the chapter, combines educational leadership issues, psychological and job counseling, special education methods, and instructional technology.