1. Center for Security Studies (KEMEA), Greece
The healthcare sector has been considered a part of critical infrastructure (CI) of society and has faced numerous physical-cyber threats that affect citizens' lives and habits, increase their fears, and influence hospital services provisions. The two most recent ransomware campaigns, WannaCry and Petya, have both managed to infect victims' systems by exploiting existing unpatched vulnerabilities. It is critical to develop an integrated approach in order to fight against combination of physical and cyber threats. In this chapter, key results of the SAFECARE project (H2020-GA787005), which aims is to provide solutions that will improve physical and cyber security, to prevent and detect complex attacks, to promote incident responses and mitigate impacts, will be presented. More specifically, healthcare critical asset vulnerabilities; cyber-physical threats that can affect them; architecture solutions, as well as, some indicative scenarios that will be validated during the project will be presented.
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