1. University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
2. Department of Education, Culture, and Sports of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
The school context, and specifically the area of Physical Education, is emerging as a determinant of playful learning and children's well-being, considering that it has suffered a severe setback with a negative influence on the students due to the COVID-19 pandemic (impossibility of attending class in person). In view of this situation, the aim is to know the levels of playful learning of motor games in Early Childhood Education based on indicators placed in different categories, taking as a reference the work of the pedagogy of play of the Project Zero research group of Harvard University, in order to provide quality to the proposals proposed. A group of 41 expert teachers were then asked to evaluate the selected indicators, and differences were observed between the choice of playful learning indicators in the different age groups. Finally, they were used as an evaluation instrument for a Physical Education session in a 4-year-old class with 19 boys and girls, showing improvements in different areas worked on.