1. University of Kashmir, India
2. Indira Gandhi National Open University, India
Probiotics therapy has emerged as a popular, potential alternative therapy utilized in combating disorders associated with mammalian gut and visceral organs. Ongoing research suggests that probiotics directly or indirectly modulate host epigenomic signatures that in turn affect the host functional outcome. Data obtained from experimental studies indicate that microbiota, diet, and pharmaceuticals affect host epigenetic machinery subsequently resulting in specific physiological responses. Thus, molecular designing of epigenetic-based therapeutic agents may provide a valid pathway to rectifying aberrant changes and managing disease risk and progression. Recent investigations show that probiotic intervention mitigates uncharacteristic epigenetic changes that are associated with many health complications. However, stakeholders need to recognize that probiotic research is an emerging field; therefore, this science must undergo extensive mechanistic investigation. This chapter highlights the potential probiotic mediated host epigenomic interventions in disease therapy and management.