1. Yildiz Technical University, Turkey
Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is a widely used multi-attribute decision-making (MADM) approach. Due to the complexity and uncertainty involved in real world problems, decision makers might be prefer to make fuzzy judgments instead of crisp ones. Furthermore, even when people use the same words, individual judgments of events are invariably subjective, and the interpretations that they attach to the same words may differ. This is why fuzzy numbers has been introduced to characterize linguistic variables. Fuzzy AHP methods have recently been extended by using type-2 fuzzy sets. Type-2 fuzzy set theory incorporates the uncertainty of membership functions into the fuzzy set theory. In this chapter, the authors firstly provide a short review on applications of interval type-2 fuzzy AHP on MADM problems. Then, they present a very efficient MADM technique, interval type-2 fuzzy AHP, to solve the portfolio selection problem that is to decide which stocks are to be chosen for investment and in what proportions they will be bought. And finally, they provided a case study on BIST.