Genuine Servant Leadership (GSL) Impacting Employee Motivation and Work Intentions


Pressentin Maria1ORCID


1. International School of Management, France


The purpose of this study is to explore the followers' perspective of genuine servant leadership (GSL)'s impact on them and its direct relationship to work intentions in Asian high-power distance and collectivist cultures. The study found six follower manifestations when experiencing genuine servant leader behaviors from their leader, three towards the organization and three towards the leaders. Followers are more willing to 1) voice-out ideas and concerns, 2) develop others, 3) recognize their choice in decision making (manifestation towards the organization). As followers respect their leader-follower relations, they tend to 4) voluntarily emulate their leader, 5) trust their leader, and 6) determine to follow their leader willingly (manifestation towards the leader). The six manifestations contribute to followers' intent to perform, endorse, provide discretionary effort, stay, and contribute to OCB. The research sought to understand the leader-follower interactions and intricacies contributing to the manifestations of follower intentions in Asia.


IGI Global

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