1. KIET Group of Institutions, India
2. Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, India
Distributed computing system (DCS) is a very popular field of computer science. DCS consists of various computers (processors) located at possibly different sites and connected by a communication link in such a manner that it appears as one system to the user. Tasks scheduling is a very interesting field of research in DCS. The main objectives of tasks scheduling problems are load balancing of processors, maximization of system reliability, minimizing the system cost, and minimizing the response time. Obviously, it is very complicated to satisfy all of the above objectives simultaneously. So, most of the researchers have solved the tasks scheduling problem with one or more objectives. The purpose of this chapter is to produce an overview of much (certainly not all) of tasks scheduling algorithms. The chapter is covering the little much valuable survey, tasks scheduling strategies, and different approaches used for tasks scheduling with one or more objectives.