Sports Management Industry


Arnott Ian1


1. University of Westminster, UK


The issue of employability serves as a life motive of wider social-political changes that have taken place during the past three decades. This period of change has been characterized as the ascendancy of economic instrumentalism over liberal humanism. This shift in policy from the post-war social democratic state towards the neo-liberal polity has led to the redistribution of responsibility from the state to the individual. This is most evident in the emphasis given to vocational education and training by central government in its ‘skills-gap', therefore fulfilling the void at present by ensuring graduates who are fully prepared to enter their workforce without any additional training or experience.


IGI Global

Reference100 articles.

1. Feminist and Gender Research in Sport and Leisure Management: Understanding the Social–Cultural Nexus of Gender–Power Relations

2. AlsopW. L.FullerG. C. (2000). Directory of academic programs in sport management. Fitness Information Technology.

3. AltinayL.ParaskevaA. (2008). Planning research in hospitality and tourism. Butterworth Heniemann.

4. Rupture: Promoting Critical and Innovative Approaches to the Study of Sport Management

5. Arnott, I. R. (2011). RAL Claims for Level 7 & 8. Middlesex University.







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